What's new in Hummingbird 2?


The Web Framework for Swift
import Hummingbird

let router = Router().get { req, context in
    return "Hello, Swift!"
let app = Application(router: router)
try await app.runService()

Create Better Backends with Swift

Hummingbird takes advantage of Swift to make it easy and enjoyable to create robust backends.

Ergonomic Syntax

Hummingbird apps are easy to develop thanks to Swift's ergonomic syntax.

Structured Concurrency

Embracing Structured Concurrency makes Hummingbird apps easy to build.


With a tiny memory footprint, Hummingbird is perfect for deploying on cloud services.

Thread and Memory Safe

Swift checks your apps for errors, making your code reliable even before you run it.

Predictably Performant

Hummingbird makes your backends blazing fast, while ARC replaces garbage collection.


Swift runs on your platform. Linux, macOS, and iOS.

Every Package you need

Hummingbird comes with mature solutions for the common needs of all web applications.
import Hummingbird
import Meow // From MongoKitten

router.get("/videos/:id") { req, context in
  let id = try context.parameters.require(
    as: Reference<Video>.self
  return try await id.resolve(in: db)

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