
Example projects demonstrating how to implement authentication in Hummingbird.

AWS Cognito

An implementation of authentication through the 'Soto' AWS SDK for Swift.


A JSON Web Token example project, leveraging JWTKit.


Secure Remote Password authentication.


FIDO2 WebAuthn/PassKey authentication.

Session Cookies

Session Cookie based authorization

One Time Passwords

Add One Time Passwords for two factor authentication


Projects that demonstrate using various databases.


Example project demonstrating how to use the Fluent ORM with Hummingbird.


MongoKitten example, featuring OpenAPI generator and Hummingbird 2.


PostgresNIO example that implements a todos API.


DynamoDB example that implements a todos API using Soto.


Pre-built example applications using Hummingbird.

HTTP Proxy Server

Example project demonstrating how to create a proxy server using Hummingbird.


A GraphQL API built with Hummingbird.

AWS Lambda

A Hummingbird application running on AWS Lambda.

WebSocket Chat App

Example project demonstrating how to create a WebSocket chat application using Hummingbird.

WebSocket Echo Server

A WebSocket echo server.

Todo API

A more complete example which shows authentication, CRUD operations and mustache rendering all in one app.



Demonstrates implementing HTTP2.


A job queue using the Jobs package and Hummingbird.

Asynchronous Body Processing

Example project demonstrating how to process request bodies asynchronously.

File Upload

A demonstration of how to efficiently handle file uploads to disk.

File Upload to S3

A demonstration that shows uploading files to S3 using Hummingbird.

URL Encoded Forms

An example project handling URL encoded form data and rendering dynamic content using Mustache.

Multipart Form

An example project that handles multipart form data.

S3 File Provider

An example project using a custom FileProvider to serve files from S3 with FileMiddleware.

Server Sent Events

An example project that sets up a route that returns server sent events.